About Us
- Multi Communication is a software development company built for your business' needs.
- The world of software development changes with each new day,and it is our mission to
- deliver you the best product possible.
- With our 30 years of industry-leading skills and expertise,
- we take your vision and make it to reality.
Company Outline
- Address
- Zip-code: 102-0072
- Orbit Building 3F, Iidabashi 4-7-7, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, Japan
- Year Established
- 1984
- Toru Makino
- Capital Stock
- 10,000,000 yen
- Net Sales
- 189,000,000 yen (September, 2022)
- Business Description
- Entrusted Software development
- Employees
- 18 employees (March, 2022)
- Acoustic analysis
- Naval operation control
- Naval operation simulation
- Software-defined radio(SDR) development
- Earth observation satellite data analisys
- AI research cooporation
- etc.
- ISO 27001 (Information Security Management System)
- ISO 9001 (Quality management systems)